Stanley Your Blogging Host

Stanley Your Blogging Host

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

More fun with turtles...

Like I said earlier, with the weather being nicer, Tom has been taking for walks more often.

The problem is, he has this new found fascination with turtles. We have been tip-toeing down to these two ponds at Nolde Forest. One is called the "Painted Turtle Pond," and the other is called the "North Pond."

Both have quite a few turtles in them, but Tom keeps telling me "to be quiet." I hate that. If I had my way, I'd be in that pond and chasing down those turtles. The same goes for the geese. What's the big deal?

Finally, after snapping a few of his precious photos, I get to run around and snoop around the forest a little for myself.

If you ask me, that new camera he got has gone to his head. He's thinks he's a hot shot photographer or something.

Hopefully, it's a phase he's going through, and he'll get over it eventually. He doesn't even take that many pictures of me any more. If he did, maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

Nothing else new, I guess. I just want to go on one of those long hikes where I can really scope things out. Besides, I need the exercise. I have to be able to get down to my swimming weight for the summer. Maybe we'll even go visit that hot girl dog, Abbey, over at the horse farm. There we can run around to our hearts content.

Oh well, time for another nap. I think I'll go dream about Abbey......

Woof! Woof!

1 comment:

  1. Sweet dreams Stanley! Loved your post. Roxy sends her licks.

    Stop by for a visit.

    Flynnah & Roxy xx
